Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26 Parent Letter


A big, huge “Thank You” to all my parents. You made our annual PTL Bar-b-que happen. Our school and students and teachers thank you for all the time you spent cooking, setting up, serving, and cleaning up.

We have lots of special events this week. The book swap and dress up day is Tuesday. Our field trip to Lowes is on Thursday. I will have driving assignments typed up later in the week.

Our science lesson will be Lesson 30. We’ll have our assessment after the field trip on Thursday, as usual.

Second graders will be dividing by 4 this week. Please practice with flashcards the multiplication facts for 0-4.

Friday is the last day to take AR tests for the reading trophy. Keep that in mind because time is rapidly running out.

Don't forget our PTL Rummage Sale on Saturday. Please bring your donated items by Thursday morning at the latest. I also have a sign up sheet for times to volunteer your help on Saturday.

Sixth Six Weeks Memory Verse #3

So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. Hebrews 13:6

Lesson 30 Science Vocabulary

Energy Conversion

1. Energy comes in many forms.

2. Changing energy from one form into another is a very important part of our life.

3. In this activity, the string absorbed light energy from the sun.

4. Food providing energy for exercise is an example of energy changing forms.

5. A material that can absorb and release light is called phosphorescent.

6. Safety clothing for people who work at night would be a good use for phosphorescent material.

7. It was important to begin this activity be placing the string in a dark are to be certain the string was not absorbing or releasing light energy.

8. We had to place the string in direct sunlight to allow it to absorb light energy.

9. Recharging a cellular phone battery is an example of transferring energy from one place to another.

10. Scientists call a material “phosphorescent” if it can absorb and release light.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 19 Parent Letter


The big event of this week is Friday’s Bar-b-que. If you didn’t bring your potatoes/mayo/beans today, please try to have them tomorrow. I have a sign up sheet in my room for you to volunteer a few hours of your time to help on Friday. I got most of the ticket stubs and money on Friday, but if you still have tickets and/or money, please send that tomorrow. We need to know how many tickets were sold so we can buy chicken and plates.

This is parent-teacher conference week. We will discuss your child’s CAT test scores. Check Friday’s note for a reminder of your scheduled time.

Please be sure to return your child’s school pictures or money this week.

Second grade parents: We will begin multiplying by 4 this week. Please keep up with the flash card practice, because your child will fall behind quickly if they aren’t mastering the fact families as we cover them.

Sixth Six Weeks Memory Verse #2

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles. Psalm 34:17

Lesson 26 Science Vocabulary


1. When animals die, their bones normally rot away.

2. Any preserved part of an ancient living thing is called a fossil.

3. The preserved footprint of an ancient creature is also a fossil.

4. A mold fossil is a model of another object.

5. A cast fossil closely resembles the original object.

6. Another word for rotting or spoiling is decomposing.

7. The body part most likely to have become a fossil is a bone.

8. An animal track made in soft mud resembles a mold fossil.

9. Teeth are more likely to become fossils than muscle because they are less likely to decompose.

10. One problem with studying ancient life through fossils is that fossils only provide certain kinds of information.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 12 Parent Letter


Today begins the sixth and final grading period of the year. Let’s not fade out at the end, keep up the hard work for a few more weeks! Report cards will go home Wednesday. If your child hasn’t made their reading trophy yet, I will attach a note to their reading record so you know what they still need to do.

There will be several sign up sheets in the classroom this week (or out at the pick-up line.) You need to sign up to bring something for the bar-b-que. (Our class can choose from potatoes, Mayonnaise, or pinto beans.) Also, conferences will be held immediately after school this week, and with more extended times next week. I’ll try to accommodate your schedule. Your child’s CAT test will be discussed at this conference.

This week we return to the regular schedule. Homework will be the usual. Science Test will be on Thursday, and a very short Health quiz on Thursday as well.

Second graders need to continue studying their flash cards for multiplying by 3. We begin dividing by three this week, and they just cannot do that work if they don’t know the multiplying by 3 facts. Flash cards and memorizing these facts are a must.


Alice Dale has found a site that she thinks is good for practicing various school skills. I haven’t checked it out yet, but wanted to pass it along to you to look at if you wanted.

Sorry I posted everything so late...The book swap has been postponed due to a funeral that day. Feel free to continue sending books and I'll hang on to them. Dress up day will be on the day of the book swap, so don't dress up on Friday.

Sixth Six Weeks Memory Verse #1

Listen to my prayer, O God, do not ignore my plea; hear me and answer me. Psalm 55:1

Lesson 24 Science Vocabulary


1. Moving water can hold and carry sediments.

2. The heaviest materials are usually in the lower layers of sediment.

3. As water slows down, it loses energy.

4. Sediments can be deposited by either wind or water.

5. Gravity is the force that pulls sediments to the bottom.

6. If moving water holds and carries materials, it is called a suspension.

7. Gravity is the force that pulls sediments down.

8. Waters of a major flood are a form of suspension.

9. To keep material suspended in water takes constant energy.

10. A flood would probably carry a ping-pong ball the farthest distance.

Health Quiz #12

1. A virus is smaller than bacteria.

2. When I have a fever caused by an infectious disease, I should take a fever reducer if my body temperature is above 102° F.

3. I need to drink more liquids whenever I have a fever.

4. Many harmful bacteria grow better INSIDE a person’s body than they do outside.

5. An antibiotic destroys harmful bacteria.

6. Some diseases can be caused by viruses or bacteria.