Saturday, July 18, 2009

2009-2010 Discipline Plan

Classroom Rules

  1. Respect the people, equipment and furnishings of our classroom. No teasing or name-calling allowed.
  2. Adjust voice level to suit the activity.
  3. Wait quietly for direction with no talking.
  4. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
  5. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.

If You Choose To Break A Rule

First Time: Name on Board: Warning

Second Time: One check: Lose a letter from Treat Sheet

Third Time: Two checks: Lose a letter from Treat Sheet, 10 minutes Time Out

Fourth Time: Three checks: Lose a letter from Treat Sheet, 15 minutes Time Out, Lines to write assigned.

Fifth Time: Four checks: Lose a letter from Treat Sheet, 20 minutes, Time Out, Lines, and Parent called.

Severe Disruption: Sent immediately to office, parent called, discipline form filed, student sent home.


Praise (daily)

Positive notes home (random)

Prize from Treat Bucket (weekly)

Various other positive perks (as applicable)

The joy of learning (each day of the school year)