Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 25 Parent Letter


Progress reports come out this week today. Look for them in your child’s folder. Remember that this grading period only has five weeks, so you only have this week and next week to get any missing work turned in.

Third graders should start thinking about chapter books. If your child hasn’t read a chapter book yet this six weeks, now is the time! Also remember our 2X2 books. We have the books available to us until Christmas.

Many thanks to all the parents who were able to drive children to our field trip today. Remember that our fall party is Friday. Parents are welcome to attend.

Third graders have a bit of a challenging week in Math. We will be doing division with a remainder. They are progressing nicely with division, but still have to think really, REALLY hard to complete a problem, so this may take a lot of practice. We also are adding ‘6’ as a factor with the 6 multiplication table.

If you received a letter regarding your child’s second varicella vaccine, Mrs. Moerbe needs a copy of your updated shot record as soon as possible.

It has been brought to my attention that the church’s food pantry is running low on supplies. This is a service to the community that can make a huge difference in someone’s life. If you have an interest, I will take your donations to the office to be stocked. Especially needed are canned goods such as soups, canned meat (tuna, chicken, Vienna sausages), chili, or canned pasta.

Second Six Weeks Memory Verse #4

The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:8

Lesson 8 Science Vocabulary

Pulse – the rhythmic bumping you feel on your wrist as your heart pushes blood through your body. The faster your heart beats, the faster your pulse.

Heart – a muscle that pumps blood through your entire body 24 hours a day/7 days a week your entire life. It pumps six quarts of blood per minute.

The blood brings oxygen to your entire body. When you exercise, your body needs more oxygen and energy, so your heart pumps faster (speeds up).

Thursday, October 22, 2009

AR Big Cookie Pics

Harley - 25 points

Alan - 25 points

Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 19 Parent Letter


This is the third week of the grading period. Since we only have five weeks this time, I will send home Progress Reports next Monday, instead of sending it on Wednesday. This way the students will have a full two weeks left to work on any subjects that they want to improve.

Third grade students will be learning how to check a division problem as well as dividing by 5 this week. Keep up with the flashcards…I can tell you’re working on it!

We will do Science Lesson 7 this week. We had several students absent last week, and these science lessons are hard to make up if you miss. Sorry for the inconvenience last week.

If your child was absent on Friday, please try to get the tests made up during this week. The best way to do this is to prepare for spelling on night, reading the next. Let me know in the morning which test we’re doing that day. The earlier in the week, the better, so that your child doesn’t get last weeks material confused with this weeks’.

Please remember our PTL meeting tomorrow night at 7:00. Be sure to practice one last night, tonight, their lines for the program.

Second Six Weeks Memory Verse #3

Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. 2 Corinthians 1:21

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

AR Big Cookie Pics

Ayla - 125 points

Bryson - 50 points

Monday, October 12, 2009

October 12 Parent Letter


Thank you all for coming for conferences last week. Please remember that anytime you have concerns, feel free to come meet with me.

Third graders begin dividing by 3 this week. I can tell that you are working with the flash cards. Keep up the good work.

This is the last week to turn in box tops for the contest. If you have any at home, please send them this week. (Keep collecting after this week!)

There are no extra quizzes or tests this week, just our regular ones. Have a great week.

UPDATE: 2x2 Books are available to go home. There is a permission slip in today's folder. We will have these books until Christmas break.

Sorry for the delay in posting...I was out of town all weekend. Thanks for understanding!

Second Six Weeks Memory Verse #2

If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 1 John 5:14

Lesson 7 Science Vocabulary

Stimulus – something that happens (the frog jumping) Example: a sudden noise, light, heat

Response – something your body does when the stimulus happens (like trying to catch the frog) Example: smiling when you see a friend, stopping at a red light, crying at something sad, pulling your hand away from something hot.

For the stimulus/response process, your eyes, ears, brain, nerves and muscles all work together. Example: jumping when you hear a loud noise.

Stimulus/response times are affected by age, ability, and health.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 5 Parent Letter


Today is the first day of the second six weeks. Remember you have conferences scheduled for this week.

Students brought home their new folders Friday. Second graders will notice that they have bonus spelling words this time. These are on a separate sheet behind the spelling words. These words will be worth 1 point each on their spelling tests, but will not count against them if they miss them.

Third grade should add in 5’s to their flash cards. We will be learning these this week. This is an easy one to learn, since they already know how to count by 5’s. Also please practice dividing by 2’s and 3’s.

If you’ve been saving box tops, please try to send them in before the 16th. We are entering a contest to possibly win $10,000 for our school.

Regular homework returns this week. Hopefully we all enjoyed the break last week.

There will be a Health QUIZ on Thursday. Check the web site for the study sheet.

I look forward to meeting with you this week.

Second Six Weeks Memory Verse #1

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37

Lesson 6 Science Vocabulary

Water – most food is made up of mostly water

Micro-organisms – tiny living things such as bacteria and mold
These need warmth and water to grow.

Decomposes – spoils (This slows without enough warmth and water)

Refrigeration – slows spoilage by removing warmth

Dehydration - slows spoilage by removing water

Food examples: beef jerky, raisins, dried fruit

Food can be preserved by freezing, dehydrating, refrigerating

Health Quiz #2

Covers pp. 20-29

The food you eat (especially protein) makes your muscles grow in strength.

The best place to exercise is outside in the fresh air.

It is important to get plenty of fresh air and sunshine.

Exercise makes your muscles grow in strength.

Endurance exercises strengthen your heart and lungs.

Example of endurance exercise:

Running, swimming, jumping rope, riding a bike, playing basketball, hiking