Sunday, February 14, 2010

Health Quiz #10

Pages 102-104

1. Permanent teeth replace primary teeth.

2. The crown is the part of the tooth you can see.

3. Cusps are points at the top of the crown.

4. The root holds teeth in your jawbone.

5. Enamel is the strong covering that protects the crown.

6. Cuspids have one point or cusp.

7. Bicuspids have two points or cusps.

8. Incisors bite and cut your food.

9. Bicuspids tear and crush food.

10. Molars grind food into tiny pieces.

11. Cuspids tear apart coarse fruits, vegetables, and meat.

12. Plaque is a sticky film of harmful germs.

13. Enamel is the covering of teeth which is attacked by acid.

14. An acid attack lasts twenty minutes.

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