Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 15 Parent Letter


We start the new grading period today. Look for report cards Wednesday. Unfortunately, there will be a lot of things to study for this week.

Health Quiz #10 on Wednesday

Science Assessment 19 on Thursday

Social Studies Unit 4 Test on Thursday

Spelling Test on Friday

Reading Test on Friday

Please continue to encourage your child to read at home. I am trying to get everyone to meet their reading requirements for their reading trophy. We passed 132 tests last week. In the AR Reading Challenge, 2nd grade is still in second place out of 67 schools reporting. 3rd grade is 6th place out of 72 schools reporting. There is only 1 point difference between 3rd place and 6th place for third graders, so I know we could easily move up. My goal for third grade this week is 25 points as a group, so get to reading! I’m super proud of how great the class is doing.

In Math, second graders are beginning multiplication facts. We will learn 0 and 1 families this week. If you don’t already have flash cards, now is a good time to get a set. They are very inexpensive. Please work on the x0, x1, and x 2’s. The quicker they memorize these, the easier it will be for them.

I will be trying out a new daily schedule this week, so don’t be alarmed if your child comes home telling you things are different. If the schedule works out for everyone, I’ll send home a copy so you’ll know when we’re doing things.

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