Sunday, February 28, 2010

March 1 Parent Letter


Second grade students need to continue work on their flash cards. If you haven’t gotten them yet, please try to do that this week. We will be starting division this week. They will only fall behind if they aren’t up to speed with multiplication.

Third graders need to practice their 9 families. We added the nine multiplication table last week. They are doing great with their facts, but please continue to practice.

The kids are doing awesome in the AR Reading Contest. Both grades are in third place currently. We passed 178 TESTS last week. These kids are awesome! This is the last week, so let’s really pour it on and try to read a few extra books at home each night. I’m so proud of how great the students are doing. Third graders met their 30 point goal from last week! Great job everyone!!

One change this week: The science assessment will be on WEDNESDAY this week. This is just for this week. Next week we will be return to the Thursday assessment.

Next week is Nation Lutheran Schools Week. Our class will be responsible for snacks on Monday, March 8. I’ll have a sign up sheet in my room to sign up for something to bring. If you haven’t signed up, I’ll assign a snack. I’ll send home the sheet at the end of the week. Thanks for your help with this. It worked out great last year.

Fifth Six Weeks Memory Verse #3

The LORD has taken away your punishment . . . He is mighty to save. 2 Corinthians 5:15

Lesson 21 Science Vocabulary

States of Matter

1. Everything on Earth is made of matter.
2. Matter on Earth comes in three forms.
3. The three forms (states) of matter are solid, liquid, and gas.
4. Matter has both volume and mass.
5. Matter is anything that takes up space and has substance.
6. In this activity, the cotton in the cup didn’t get web when you pushed it under water because air is matter and the trapped air’s volume kept the water out of the cup.
7. Air is a gas.
8. Sugar is a solid.
9. Gasoline is a liquid.
10. Light is not a form of matter.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 22 Parent Letter


We will have no special tests this week. Friday will be our Spelling and Reading Tests, as usual. Science Assessment will be Thursday, as usual.

We are doing great in the AR Reading Challenge. Second grade has slipped to 3rd place, which is still awesome (76 schools reporting!) Each student counts, so keep up the good work. ( 2-3 books at night and 1-2 in class would be great!) Third graders moved up to 3rd place (75 schools reporting!) Way to go. They read a total of 27.7 points, so they earned their pizza and brownies. Pizza and brownies will be on Thursday (for third grade). My goal for 3rd graders is 30 points this week. As a class, we passed 155 tests this week. This was the biggest week yet. Great job students AND parents.

In math, third grade will add 9 as a factor, so start on those 9 multiplication cards. Second graders add 2 as a factor. Second grade parents: Keep working on those 0, 1, and 2 Multiplication Tables. All the work you do now will pay off big time later, I promise.

Continue to read through your child’s part for our Lutheran School Week play. The more they practice at home, the better our practices at school will be.

I’m still making small changes to the new schedule, but so far I’m pleased with how it’s going.

Scroll down past the study sheets for pictures from the dentist.

Fifth Six Weeks Memory Verse #2

I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. Isaiah 41:10

Lesson 20 Science Vocabulary

Air Pressure

1. Air pressure is all around us.

2. Air pressure is a kind of force.

3. Air pressure has enough power to move very large objects.

4. Air pressure in the atmosphere affects the weather.

5. Air pressure can keep a basketball from going flat.

6. The following illustrates air pressure: space inside car tires, space inside a basketball, and air used to run commercial tools.

7. The straw didn’t go into the potato when it wasn’t sealed with your thumb because the straw was too weak without the trapped air.

8. The sealed straw was stronger because the trapped air compressed, which supported the straw.

9. This activity proved that air is a form of matter because the straw with the trapped air penetrated the potato.

10. If there was no air pressure human beings could not breathe.

AR Big Cookie Pics

Trey - 25 points
Harley - 50 points

Give a Kid a Smile Day

The Second graders with Dr. Lawhon

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 15 Parent Letter


We start the new grading period today. Look for report cards Wednesday. Unfortunately, there will be a lot of things to study for this week.

Health Quiz #10 on Wednesday

Science Assessment 19 on Thursday

Social Studies Unit 4 Test on Thursday

Spelling Test on Friday

Reading Test on Friday

Please continue to encourage your child to read at home. I am trying to get everyone to meet their reading requirements for their reading trophy. We passed 132 tests last week. In the AR Reading Challenge, 2nd grade is still in second place out of 67 schools reporting. 3rd grade is 6th place out of 72 schools reporting. There is only 1 point difference between 3rd place and 6th place for third graders, so I know we could easily move up. My goal for third grade this week is 25 points as a group, so get to reading! I’m super proud of how great the class is doing.

In Math, second graders are beginning multiplication facts. We will learn 0 and 1 families this week. If you don’t already have flash cards, now is a good time to get a set. They are very inexpensive. Please work on the x0, x1, and x 2’s. The quicker they memorize these, the easier it will be for them.

I will be trying out a new daily schedule this week, so don’t be alarmed if your child comes home telling you things are different. If the schedule works out for everyone, I’ll send home a copy so you’ll know when we’re doing things.

Fifth Six Weeks Memory Verse #1

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2

Lesson 19 Science Vocabulary


1. Everything around us is made of matter.

2. Gas IS a matter, even though we cannot see it.

3. The air that surrounds Earth is called the atmosphere.

4. Matter is NOT a force that can push or pull.

5. Weather is created by the constant movement of air.

6. In this activity, it was hard to pour water into the second bottle because air was trapped inside.

7. The air inside a balloon is NOT an example of air creating movement.

8. There are three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.

9. Gas was the state of matter trapped in the second bottle.

10. Liquid was the state of matter poured into the first bottle.

Health Quiz #10

Pages 102-104

1. Permanent teeth replace primary teeth.

2. The crown is the part of the tooth you can see.

3. Cusps are points at the top of the crown.

4. The root holds teeth in your jawbone.

5. Enamel is the strong covering that protects the crown.

6. Cuspids have one point or cusp.

7. Bicuspids have two points or cusps.

8. Incisors bite and cut your food.

9. Bicuspids tear and crush food.

10. Molars grind food into tiny pieces.

11. Cuspids tear apart coarse fruits, vegetables, and meat.

12. Plaque is a sticky film of harmful germs.

13. Enamel is the covering of teeth which is attacked by acid.

14. An acid attack lasts twenty minutes.

Unit 4 Social Studies Test


Government – a group of people who work together to run a city, state, or country

Citizen – member of a community, state, or country

President – leader of our country

Freedom – every citizens right to make choices

Mayor – leader of a town or city

Governor – leader of a state

Congress – part of government that writes and votes on laws

Monument – a building or statue that honors a person or event

Motto – a word or saying that people try to live by

Know symbols of America found on p. 181

Things the government does:

1. provides services

2. makes laws

3. helps us to be safe

4. settles disputes (disagreements)

Read and fill in a table, p. 164-165

Read a Map Grid, p. 184-185

Thursday, February 11, 2010

AR Big Cookie Pics

Ayla - 300 points
Harlie - 50 points
Tobin - 25 points

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 8 Parent Letter

February 8, 2010


Because our grading period has 6 weeks this time, there will be no spelling words or a reading story this week. We will be focusing on health and reading AR books.

Third grade will be having 8 as a divisor later in the week. Please work on these facts at home.

Valentines Day is Friday. Please send cards for each child in the class. It causes very hurt feelings for someone who is left out. There are nine students in our class.


You are welcome to include cards for students in other classes. I believe you should have a phone list of all the classes that was sent home at the beginning of the year. If you need names from other classes, please just let me know.

Our chapel offering this week will be sent to Lutheran World Relief for Haiti.

The kids did GREAT the first week of the AR reading contest. 2nd grade is in second place out of 45 schools, and 3rd grade is fifth out of 51 schools. The kids read 99 books last week! Keep up the good work.

We will be having Show and Tell this Friday. Your child is welcome to bring a non-toy item to – yes – show us and tell us about.

Second grade will be going Friday morning to the dentist for our field trip. Third grade should report that day to Mrs. Moerbe.

Fourth Six Weeks Memory Verse #6

So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid." Hebrews 13:6

Lesson 18 Science Vocabulary

Spinning Wing – Torque

1. Forces can make objects move.

2. The upward force demonstrated in this activity is called lift.

3. The direction of a force can easily be changed.

4. One thing that helped the Spinning Wing fly was the shape of the wing.

5. Torque is a twisting force.

6. In this activity, the Spinning Wing flew because lift was greater than gravity.

7. As the Spinning Wing flew, air pressure was greater on the wing’s bottom than on its top.

8. A dropping ball is NOT a form of torque.

9. The force provided by our hands changed the direction of force.

10. The Spinning Wing is most similar to a helicopter.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010